Best Hair Trimmer For Men In India

Grooming is always in vogue, and gender neutral too - so what stops men from making their mane look absolutely prim, proper and immaculate? Now I have seen many men pull off  a fully grown out beard and long free-flowing locks so well. At the same time I feel that men are becoming more open to change and experimentation when it concerns their appearance and the appropriate kind of manscaping can really change their whole demeanour.

Bit of a cliche, but what is usually one of the first things that women do when they embark on a series of life changing decisions - we change our hair, because it makes a difference. Facial hair is a personal choice for men but if you’re through with owning the rustic and bohemian look and want to try out a neater stubble, there are a few good options for  the best hair trimmer for men in India.

The global pandemic scenario has made it quite elusive for one to access the salon as and when needed - but there is no need to look unkempt. Over the last year and a half I have seen my husband get comfortable with using a trimmer although it was very confusing for us in the beginning to hunt for the best hair trimmer for men in India.

The search began and I came across this very crisp article with all the points nicely briefed up about the best hair trimmer for men in India by Lifestyle Titbits. My husband has always been picky to begin with, and every trip back from the salon would be unsatisfactory to him. We figured that with the salons being closed and online meetings requiring visual conferences being mandatory, it could be a good time for him to try giving himself a trim that creates comfort without compromising on style.

In the article published by Lifestyle Titbits, a ton of options were provided, but neatly assembled across various features and price-points. For example, my husband grows quite a bushy stubble and we were looking for a particular trimmer that would not require him to go over and over the same spot and make it look patchy.

There were also options for cordless, battery-run trimmers as well as ones with extendable power cords that save you the worry of batteries dying out mid-shave. There were also options for trimmers with detachable parts that make cleaning it a breeze. Adjustable combs along with stainless steel blades held at different angles can also mimic different styles - which is a great feature for any trimmer.

There are also some great heavy duty, cordless trimmers that boast an hour’s worth of usage before they run out. For people who are driven crazy by the buzzing off a trimmer, there were also noise-free options which are quite unique. No matter what your budget or requirements are, LifestyleTitbits has listed down all the features cutting through all sites of availability to help you pick the best hair trimmer for men in India.
